Shelley Berkley (NV): ‘BDS Is as Anti-Semitic as the Marchers in Charlottesville’

“I would like a commitment to use the office of the president to ensure Congress passes legislation not only condemning anti-Semitism but protecting houses of worship and other religious organizations from anti-Semitic acts and appropriating resources to strengthen the security protecting Jewish institutions and buildings.”

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Sander Eizen (MI): ‘The Most Recent [Anit-Semitic] Attack Shook me the Most’

“We’ve all been at our rabbi’s house for some event. The thought of somebody coming in with a machete and just hacking away is truly terrifying. And I think that’s why that attack, as well as the Jersey City attack, felt different than the Pittsburgh Tree of Life shooting. In some sick way, an attack on a religious institution is almost more expected than an attack on somebody’s home or at a supermarket.”

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Michael Ginsberg (VA): ‘I Think This Is Just the Beginning of Very Bad Stuff’

“I would say the president has done a pretty good job of addressing anti-Semitism. I think he’s been a strong supporter of the State of Israel. I think, substantively, he’s been very friendly and very good to the Jews. On the other hand, when I look at the Democratic Party, I see a party that is not only unwilling to disavow anti-Semites but openly embraces them. You have Congresswomen who are talking about being hypnotized by the State of Israel and being unwilling to walk that back. You have a caucus that’s unwilling to take them to task for blatantly anti-Semitic comments.”

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Stephanie Wudarski (PA): ‘I Always Felt Removed From Any Sort of Anti-Semitism’

“Anti-Semitism is one area where the far-right and far-left kind of meet. Both sides are responsible in that sense. The far-left tends to be aggressors online but who knows where that could be originating from—it could be foreign influence. The far-right tends to be more likely to carry out violent, anti-Semitic attacks.”

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Lynne Toporov (FL): ‘I Don’t Think That Everything Starts With Trump’

“I cannot stand ‘the squad.’ I cannot stand where they’re coming from. And then there’s Bernie Sanders who I don’t understand at all. He worked on a kibbutz and members of his family on his father’s side were killed by Hitler. I don’t know why he became a socialist. If he’s elected, it will destroy the country.”

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Hannah Rosenthal (WI): ‘I Don’t Let the Left off the Hook’

“It’s the far-right that holds marches and says ‘Jews will not replace us.’ It’s the far-right who are unabashedly anti-Semitic and racist. No question about it. But I don’t let the left off the hook either. I marched in Washington the day after the inauguration. I had my pink hat and I was very proud. But when two of the organizers ended up defending Louis Farrakhan and refused to condemn the anti-Semitism, I stopped paying attention to them. I push delete every time they send me something. And ‘the squad’ needs an education. Ilhan Omar apologized after one anti-Semitic comment and then proceeded to make a couple more, and that is not okay with me. I would love to sit down with her or ‘the squad’ and talk about what they’re doing, and how they’re splintering the left.”

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Alma Hernandez (AZ): ‘There’s a Line Where Anti-Semitism Crosses With Anti-Zionism’

“The rise of hate attacks against Jews in our country is appalling. It’s not only the shootings and stabbings but the fact that in my synagogue we have to have a police officer during Shabbat services. We’re living in a time where we feel so unsafe to be Jewish in our community that we have to pay a law enforcement officer to stand outside of our shul. That for me is the most frustrating thing of all. You can’t even live a normal life when you feel that you’re constantly having to watch your back.”

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