Moment Zoominar: Jews and Presidential Elections with Historians Jonathan Sarna and Lauren Strauss

Presidential candidates have wooed Jewish voters as far back as Abraham Lincoln. Why did candidates seek out the Jewish vote and how did they do it? How has the landscape of Jewish voters changed in modern times?

Jonathan D. Sarna, Professor of American Jewish History at Brandeis University and Chief Historian of the National Museum of American Jewish History and Lauren B. Strauss, Scholar in Residence in the Jewish Studies Program at American University and Senior Historical Consultant for the forthcoming Capital Jewish Museum, in conversation with Moment’s opinion and book editor Amy E. Schwartz.

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Moment Zoominar: Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the 19th Amendment with Pamela Nadell and Elaine Weiss

A captivating conversation about the 19th Amendment and the renewed push to pass the Equal Rights Amendment with historian Pamela Nadell, author of America’s Jewish Women: A History from Colonial Times to Today and journalist Elaine Weiss, author of The Woman’s Hour: The Great Fight to Win the Vote.

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